Monday, February 17, 2020

Self-Sacrifice and the Leadership Effectiveness Essay

Self-Sacrifice and the Leadership Effectiveness - Essay Example Further, self-sacrifice can help groups particularly faced with crisis and the reciprocity norm asserts that individuals are under pressure to assist those who have assisted them. Clearly, this norm may function as a behavioral rule that is present in the continuing relationships, and that makes them be stable. Additionally, self-sacrifice may function as an intrinsic motive that leads to satisfaction and that makes individuals reciprocate. A self-sacrificing behavior by the leader creates pressure on the followers to act as is required of them. Particularly, to forgo self-interest and committing oneself to the good of the collective is what is required of self-sacrifice (Knippenberg & Knippenberg, 2005, p. 25).Nelson Mandela is an ideal example of a leader who intensively and extensively struggled for the sake of South Africa freedom. Mandela sacrificed a lot to the South African movement for freedom, including his private life and liberty. His ultimate goal was to ensure his fellow Africans have gained the much-needed freedom in their country. Commenting on his desire to sacrifice to attain freedom, Mandela maintained that freedom cannot be easily acquired anywhere in the world. In addition, most individuals would have to go through a valley of the shadow of death always until we get to the top of our aspirations (Limb, 2008). He stated during his Heritage Day address on 24 September 1997 that, â€Å"Let us recommit ourselves to the ideals in our Constitution, ideals which were shaped in the struggles†.

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